Nick Asbell

Chicago, IL

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Revitalazing brand guidelines to be cohesive, accessible, and modern


Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp.






Web, Mobile


Brand Strategy, Design

Imagery was thoughtful and meant to evoke feeling so that user's could feel connected to a story. When pairing images, we would opt for a photo with a family and then an area in the home for balance.

Our goal was to modernize the current brand and create guidelines that were accessible through typography and color. As well as establish a design system to bring brand cohesivity.

Social and poster designs to influence designers when creating new collateral and allow have a base template to work from.

With our main focus being accessibility, we were running internal audits and testing our assets to  ensure that the new guidleines would visually make the loan process easier for all.

In-depth brand guidelines to establish clear direction for designers and loan officers using the brand so there is less room for error or confusion.

The new brand tied together the rich company history with a modern edge, which aimed to bring in new clients and increase competitiveness within the mortgage industry.